So terrified of making them myself, I take a perverse pleasure in finding whopping big errors. It's clearly just an oversight, but The Times science correspondent has a piece on page 22 of today's paper (14 September) about the massive black hole at the centre of our (not NHS) Milky Way galaxy. NASA estimates the galaxy to be 100,000 light years away and at the end of the piece it says the black hole is 26,000 light years away which, correctly, puts us and the sun at about half way out from the middle. The only trouble is the piece starts with "The black hole at the centre of our solar system is swallowing up unprecedented volumes of interstellar gas and dust, to the bafflementof scientists." The Sun is only about 8 light minutes from Earth!
Times Correspondent thinks Sun is 26,000 light years away
Peter Keeble